In the second year of medical school, students are taught about all kinds of diseases. Some, of course, are serious, and some are usually not a big deal. Some diseases are common, and some are very rare. But nearly every student gets ‘medical student disease.‘ Day after day, they hear about exotic diseases that start…with fatigue. Then there’s the feeling that it’s difficult to concentrate. Maybe occasional headaches. They can’t help but put 2 and 2 together and end up

Hyperthermia can. That’s when our bodies are exposed to heat way beyond what our bodies can generate on their own. People stranded in the desert, for example--there’s a reason they call it Death Valley; or those tragic stories we read about every summer about a baby left in a car. Our bodies usually do a reasonable job in keeping us cool, by sweating. But if we get dehydrated and don't sweat enough, we could be in trouble if it were hot enough. Hyperthermia, though it does cause an abnormally high body temperature,

Fever , then, doesn’t generally worry me. But what’s causing the fever? If I treat the sick child, it will be for the underlying illness, not the fever. Here's the scenario I pose to parents. If your child has a fever, but looks OK, is breathing fine and playing and active as usual, would you worry? Something is causing the fever, so I'll concede the child might be coming down with something, but that wouldn't worry me. Compare that to your child acting in a worrisome way—complaining of pain, for example, or sleeping all day and refusing to walk—but not having any fever. Is that reassuring? To me, that's much more worrisome.
So why do we treat fever at all?
There are purists out there who think that we shouldn’t treat it, and let the child’s body fight off the natural infections as millenia has designed us to. There are conspiracy theorists who believe that the companies marketing fever medicine want to support the mass delusion that fever must be treated.
For me, trying to see this from the child’s point of view, an empathic approach, is helpful. True enough, treating the fever does nothing to help get the child better faster or treat whatever illness they might have. But whenever we have a fever, we feel really bad. Sometimes fever can cause a headache, but it can certainly worsen a headache. But even without any specific symptoms, fever makes us feel sick. When we reduce the fever, we just feel better. And making children feel better is, as I look at it, an important part of my job.
I think parents with sick children often feel helpless as they watch their sick child. The fever is the only objective marker of the illness, whatever it is, and so by lowering the fever they feel like they are taking a pro-active approach. And they get positive feedback when their children perk up as their body temperatures go down.
If the child has a fever but is OK, I think it's all right to watch them and not treat the fever. If they feel awful, I would treat the fever. I don't think making the child suffer accomplishes much from a medical standpoint. But there's a few points that should be mentioned.

All kid's fever medicines are not the same. There are generally 2 choices of ingredient: acetaminophen (in Tylenol and a lot of store brands), and ibuprofen (in Motrin and a few others). They both work in most people, but it does seem that one will work better than the other in some people. Acetaminophen is safe when the directions are followed. It shouldn't be used for more than a few days, however, because at doses much higher than we should be giving, it can be toxic. Besides, if your child is really having a fever for more than about 3 days, it's probably a good idea to try and figure out what the kid has. A doctor might be able to help with that.
About 1 in every 25 kids get febrile seizures. They don’t seem to have epilepsy, but when their temperature is high enough, they have a brief seizure. It’s almost always in toddlers. As you can imagine, this is really scary for the parents. Fortunately, it’s quite common (about 1 in 25 toddlers have one), and most of those who have one never have another. The seizures do not cause brain damage, usually only last less than a minute, and usually do not mean that the child will go on to have a seizure disorder.
Every now and then, I see a child with fever who has been covered in as many blankets as the parents can manage. This is not a difference in parenting philosophy—it's just wrong. When we have a fever, our bodies are too hot. Even if we feel cold or are even shivering. In order to relieve

Fever that has been relentless for more than 3 days, say 4 or 5 days, is worthy of a doctor visit. I'm still not worried about the fever causing damage, but I am concerned about finding a cause.
Elvis Presley live: Fever
Fever does, in fact, usually go up at night.
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