Jaundice happens to half or more of all newborns. (This brings up an interesting question about the definition of ‘normal.’ Surely being jaundiced isn’t normal. But if the majority of babies get jaundice, isn’t your jaundiced baby normal? Is your non-jaundiced baby abnormal?) Sure enough, by the time the baby was 3 days old, her bilirubin level had risen high enough to require a little intervention, in the form of a glowing pad that the parents need to keep next to the baby’s skin. This helps her body dispose of the bilirubin.
And I’m a worrier. So I go over to their house on the first evening they were using this device, to check on the baby and to be sure they were using the gizmo correctly.
I came just as they were sitting down to dinner. This was a little awkward socially, I admit, but my concern was genuine. They set another place at the table.
The biggest change in the design of hospitals, and of industrial buildings of all kinds, came about from 3 sequential inventions. First, electric generation and transmission. This made the second invention, the elevator, possible. It became a lot easier to build high and transport sick people without using stairs. And then air conditioning.

The explanation for this had to wait until the 20th century. Hemoglobin is the molecule in our red blood cells that carries life-sustaining oxygen everywhere we need it. When the red blood cells that carry the hemoglobin (they are red from the iron in them) are damaged or worn out, the hemoglobin breaks down. When we get a bruise, it starts as red or black. This is from the actual blood under the skin. The blood cells break down quickly, however, so the ‘black and blue’ stage usually only lasts days. The hemoglobin content of these cells breaks down into bilirubin, a bright yellow pigment. This can last for many weeks. Bilirubin is oily and dissolves easily into fatty tissue, such as skin, fat, and brain. Because it doesn’t mix well with watery liquids (like blood) it’s stuck in the skin. Sunlight provides just enough extra energy to shake up the bilirubin molecule and make it a little more soluble in blood. When this happens, some of the bilirubin leaves the skin, gets taken by the blood to the liver where it is processed and disposed of along with the baby’s other creative output. It’s why baby poop is yellow.
Since more than half of babies have some jaundice, it’s usually benign. It usually peaks at about day 3 or so, and gradually declines. Unless where you live is tropical, it’s hard to get your baby’s skin a lot of sun exposure without letting them get too cold. And you definitely don’t want a sunburned baby!
There are some good reasons, however, to be vigilant about it. Many kinds of problems, from innocent to serious, can cause accelerated break-down of those red blood cells. So the jaundice might be sign that something’s wrong. And though jaundice is usually benign, and goes away by itself without consequence, it can be very serious at very high levels (a rare event) because it settles in brain tissue. So jaundice is something I worry about.
Incidentally, as we sat at dinner all the adults told funny stories about our own childhoods and wacky things our parents said to us. One of those stories will be coming up.
yes it happen to a baby i love n he was under sunlight for two weeks i lent he's ok but do you think he can have a problem with it after (when he grows)
ReplyDeleteFascinating. I always wondered....
ReplyDeleteAll in all, it seems we mostly have barbaric methods in delivering babies. Some poor little things get a very rough start. Cold steel tables. Bright lights.