Peter was at college here in Berkeley, and needed a physical exam form filled out for a summer job he had applied for. He came in with his parents. I asked them if they were worried about anything in particular and they said that he had been very healthy. But they wished he'd get out more. Maybe be a little more...outgoing. He looked very relieved when his parents left the room.
"Gosh," I said, "I thought they'd never leave!" He smiled briefly. I asked how college was going, if he had a major.
He said, politely enough, looking at the floor, "It's going OK. Don't have a major." Didn't I recall that he was interested in Economics? "Yes, but I didn't get a good feeling from those people." Meaning, I took it, from those in that department. How about people in other departments? I told him I thought there was a lot to be said about finding a group where you feel like you fit in. "Maybe, but I don't fit in." Still no eye contact.
"You haven't made a lot of new friends?"
"None, really."
"Are you in touch with your friends from high school?"
"I had two friends in high school but they are going to college in Hayward [Cal State]." It is a sad fact of suburban life that the logistics of socialization are often very cumbersome for children. (This is very different from my experience growing up where public transport was great and cheap.) But he was 21, not 14. What about borrowing a car from his parents? "I don't drive."
"Why not? Didn't they have driver education in your high school?"
"Yes but I stopped taking it after the first day. It was just too dangerous." But his mom and dad drove, I pointed out. "But I won't drive with them at night. Anything could happen. No," he added for emphasis, "I definitely don't want to drive."
Most 16-year-olds have, at least in their minds, cut from magazines the photos of the cars they want to have. A car, or access to one, or even without access but having a driving license, meant adulthood, liberation from the control of their parents, freedom. Most American teenagers have much clearer dreams of owning their own car than they have of owning their own home someday. I think that this is less prevalent among those growing up in urban settings. (A wealthy high-school classmate of mine had his own car, but I don't know where he drove it (let alone parked it) and neither I nor most of my other classmates were envious.) But this is California, where having a car or wanting one is or should be considered an essential developmental milestone, like walking or potty training. When he said that he didn't want to learn to drive, whatever alarms were not already ringing for me started to go off. "What about going to Hayward on BART?" [Bay Area Rapid Transit--a not very extensive system, but fast and reasonably comfortable and clean. And ] I knew he lived in a town with a station.
"That goes under the Bay!" he explained as if I has somehow been misinformed about this fact. But it didn't between Berkeley and Hayward.
At some point, I stood up to wash my hands and examine him. I went to put my stethoscope on his chest, but stopped. "Gosh, Peter. Have you been gardening? Working with paint solvents?" His hands were red, very dry-looking and irritated. He denied this but said that he washed his hands a lot. Mine were not so raw, and I typically washed them 20 times a day, sometimes more.
"I know. I'm a bit of a germophobe."
He was attending college locally. So I asked him if BART was uncomfortable for him, why wasn’t it a problem taking the public transit bus to school? He told me that he walked to his college campus, about 3 miles or so from his home. He admitted that not using public transportation was a real barrier to making and sustaining new friendships at college.
Continuing in this line, I was worried about what would come next. As I would ask any patient his age, I asked if he was dating anyone. I assumed that this would be logistically difficult for him, given his transportation constraints. He said he wasn’t in a way that concerned me. Sometimes I get a disappointed response, when the college kid wished they were dating somebody. Sometimes it’s a blissful yes they are. He looked at me at me with an odd expression of confusion. Now I was confused about why he was confused. I asked him to clarify what he was thinking.
He told me that he wasn’t dating and convincingly claimed not to know why people did. Let me be really clear here: I asked about just dating, nothing more intimate. Yes, he knew classmates in high school went on dates or wanted to and talked about it. He knew they did in college. I asked if he knew how his parents met. Like most of us, their relationship started with dating. But he didn’t really see why people did this. There were so many obstacles that he pointed out. Getting together in a certain place and time, which is a key part of the definition of a ‘date,’ is very difficult if one of the people has to be within walking distance of their home. Holding hands seemed unappealing to him, and kissing appeared positively unhygienic. I asked if he would like someday to have a family of his own and a mate. He said that he would but he didn’t know and couldn’t picture what kind of a person that would be or how he would get to there from where he was.
I spent about an hour with him, much of it trying to figure out the level of isolation to which he was willing to subject himself.
I told him he had anxiety. I recommended many things, including trying some medication. I was willing to work with him in any way that I could. He was willing to commit only to think about these choices, or if he wanted to do anything at all. So deeply did he see his perspective as an accurate view of the world that he didn’t see it as a problem in his life. I asked about continuing to live with his parents, and he didn’t see a problem with that, or limiting for school or work to a walking-radius around his parents’ house in Berkeley. Gently, I tried to point out that it might be difficult to meet somebody under these circumstances, but he was blind to this. He didn’t try to reconcile his dream of having a family with his disinterest in looking for somebody with whom to start that family.
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